
Repurposed Zebras and Ostriches into Dog Poo

Walking through Berlin, one has to navigate the daily 2.4 tons of dog feces on the pavement. Anually 960 tons of excrement are dumped on the streets by pet owners oozing  SalmonellaE. coli, Clostridium and Campylobacter and other zoonotic infectious diseases.

Much of this public waste product is actually repurposed Zebra  and Ostrich imported from its habitat in South Africa. The Born-Again Raw Feeders (BARF) obtain the meat at the local pet butcher and stuff it into their 'best friend'.

Pet lovers finance a monoculture of pets and discourage biodiversity/ biomes. In Africa the Zebra is held to be a grazing competitor by farmers and is culled. Unlike the horse it refused to be domesticated for human purposes.

The largest living species of bird native to Africa, the flightless Ostrich (Struthio camelus) is also converted to meat to feed the urban wolves and lapdogs.

Source article:
Zebra Strips for the Dog, Berliner Zeitung, 13.11.2012, 'English'

-Stubbs, George: Zebra
-Brehms Thierleben, Ostrich,
-Arabian Ostrich painting from The Book of Animals by al-Jahiz,
Syria, 1335. The Arabian Ostrich was wiped out by bow, arrows, dogs and finally by firearms and motor vehicles.

-Wilhelm Trübner, Mastiff with sausages »Ave Caesar morituri te salutant«, 1878

Injured racehorses and thoroughbreds refusing to be cash cows killed for dog meat abc, 14.11.12

Japanese company stops selling dog food made from endangered whales treehugger 06.01.2016

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